Saturday, October 4, 2008

Back in the USA

We're back. It was a great trip, but it's always nice to be home in the United States. We might scoff at our politics or our economy, but let me tell you...we have a GREAT COUNTRY! We have freedom and that's special. In Turkey, a woman has to make a choice between wearing western clothes and wearing Islamic garb. The times in Turkey are changing, and while they practice "secular Islam" more and more women are faced with the choice of no choice...wear Islamic garb or be excluded from society. However, when a woman makes the choice to wear Islamic garb, she also makes the choice to give up her voice! She also gives up her chance of a higher education! That's a horrible choice to make. Oftentimes, the choice is not made by the woman but by her husband, brother or son. That's not a choice, that's bondage, in my humble opinion.

This family, browsing in the bazaar in Istanbul show the dichotomy of east and west; women and men. Men can wear western garb, but not wives and mothers. Look carefully at her gown and notice that it is a pair of long pantaloons. Every part of her is covered! I'm glad I do not live here.

This picture was taken in Alexandria, Egypt where you also see a mix of garb. Some people choose to wear western dress; but as in Turkey, there's a move toward traditional dress. And with that move, comes a move away from choice and freedom.
Dress is just the outward look at a culture; it might tell the viewer what is important. I must wonder what visitors to our country think of young men in hoodlum looking baggy pants or young girls in their junior "floozy" looks. While I don't like those looks I do admire a place where we have the choice to wear what we want to wear. Yes, it's good to be back in the United States of America!

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