Wednesday, April 4, 2012


The Jones Act (or some such law) says that you have to sail to a foreign port before entering a US port. This cruise takes us to several US ports BUT before we go any farther we must hit a foreign port. To do that we are going to Mexico! It's just a short hop from San Diego. We arrived early this morning and a few intrepid tourists are plying their ways through the mean and dirty streets of this corrupt border town. Can you tell that I'm not going to Ensenada? It's not my cup of tea.

Tonight is our first formal night so we are going to get dressed up (something we only do on a ship) and stroll the Promenade Deck to a nice dinner. Later, we will take in a show or two (2 good choices tonight) have a taste of bubbly and have a good time.

Tomorrow we will be at sea all day as we sail north to San Francisco. I'm expecting a choppy ride up the coast of CA. I hope I'm wrong!

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