Wednesday, October 1, 2008

in Athens

We are now in Athens. We'll be here til Friday, then back to our part of the world. The cruise was great. My favorite spot was Corfu. I could spend a couple of weeks there. Another highlight was Santorini, another Greek Island.

Today we toured the Acropolis. We tread on marble steps that were trod by ancient Athenians. It was awesome. The Parthenon is amazing, but the Caryatids took my breath away.

We are becoming very familiar with Greek history. We know the difference between Ionic and Doric columns; we know the exact shape of a Corinthian column; and we can tell the difference between a Greek column and a Roman column. We'll be in Rome in a couple of months and we'll get steeped in Roman history.

When we get home, I'll post a more detailed account of the trip. In the meantime, I'll end with this picture of a bell tower in Santorini.

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