Thursday, November 1, 2007

Home Sweet Home

This has been a very long day. It started at 4 AM in Cairns, when an alarm woke us up telling us we needed to catch the 6:50 flight to Sydney. Today could be called "Plane Day" as we've been on a lot of 'em: Cairns to Sydney to Fiji to Los Angeles to San Francico and finally to Chico, arriving at our home at 10:30 PM. We started on November 1, 2007 in Australia and we are still on November 1, 2007 on the other side of the world. I don't know how long the day has been, but it seems like a 40 hour day to me. Crossing the International Date Line can be confusing!

Last night while we waiting for our flight in Fiji, I looked at a map and did some rough calculations on the distances we have traveled in the last 42 days. Would you believe close to 28,000 miles? The list of places we have stepped foot on is pretty impressive too. We started Chico CA making stops in Bend and Salem, Oregon, before boarding The Sun Princess in Seattle. Once on the ship, we stopped in San Francisco, Hilo, Lahaina, Bora Bora, Tahiti, Rarotonga, American Samoa, Fiji, New Zealand and Sydney. From Sydney we flew south to Adelaide to catch The Ghan which traveled north to Darwin; then we flew east to Cairns. That brought us to "today" and now we are back to Chico, where we started! What a trip!

This year has been filled with some fantastic travel. Antarctica/Argentina/Brazil in February; Hawaii in April; Finland/Estonia/Russia in June; and this trip. There's one more cruise this year, but it happens in December, and right now, I cannot think of that trip as I still have to get "organized" from this last one! It's good to be home!

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