Sunday, May 29, 2011

In Korcula

We left Dubrovnik at 4 AM and sailed for 3 hours and landed in Korcula on the Dalmation Coast. What a great little walled village! Where Dubrovnik was big and crowded, Korcula (pronounced Korchula) is small and sleepy. My type of place. The Adriatic is a clear turquoise blue and the water is warm (about 75-80 degrees).

This morning I talked to a fisherman. He said he fished everyday and everyday he gives part of his catch to the local cats! There are a lot of cats here...makes you wonder how many fishermen leave little donations for the kitty population?

It is a walled village that was part of the Venetian Empire from the 13th century. Marco Polo was born here. Other than that, the village is not known for much other than beauty!

We have been to 3 ancient walled cities: Kotor, Dubrovnik and Korcula. The two "K" cities are definitely worth your time...Dubrovnik is too big and too crowded--and the other cities are just as historically interesting.

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